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Come on, recognize the symptoms and causes are of lymph node cancer!
23 Nov 2021
Come on, recognize the symptoms and causes are of lymph node cancer!
23 Nov 2021

Lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system and are useful for fighting viruses, germs, and other toxic substances in the body. However, not infrequently, lymph nodes are affected by diseases such as infections and cancer. These two diseases are different but have similar symptoms, you know. For that, you need to know the difference between the two.

Then, what are the early symptoms and risk factors for lymph node cancer in the body? Come on, see more information!

Differences in Infection and Cancer in Lymph Nodes

Due to having similar characteristics, there are still many people who often mistake these two diseases. There you need to know, Well cancer Hodgkin and ng that distinguishes these two diseases, namely the side effects of the lumps that appear. 

Both the lymph nodes that are affected by infection or cancer, both will experience swelling of the lymph nodes by causing lumps in the body. Well, the difference is, if an infection, the lump will feel soft and painful to the touch. Meanwhile, if it is cancer or lymphoma, the lump will feel harder and painless to the touch.

Another difference is the cause of swollen lymph nodes. In infected glands, swelling is caused by certain diseases such as ear infections, glandular TB, to ARI (Upper Respiratory Tract Infection). However, if you don't think you have a certain disease that can stimulate swelling, then you need to be aware of lymph node cancer.

Early Symptoms of Lymph Node Cancer

As previously described, the initial symptoms that will approach are swelling of the lymph nodes. This causes lumps in certain areas of the body, generally on the neck, chest, groin, and armpits. This early symptom can also be the only symptom, Well cancer Hodgkin and a few patients have lymphoma, Well cancer Hodgkin and cancer cells grow very slowly.,

However, it is also possible for lymphoma to worsen. When that happens, it may be accompanied by other secondary symptoms that appear after exposure to the initial symptoms, including:

1. Frequent Sweating Follow-up

symptoms of lymphoma that often appear are usually characterized by the emergence of large amounts of sweating with a frequency that tends to be frequent. Symptoms of this one will usually be more experienced, especially at night.

2. Fever

The next symptom is fever. Like the characteristics of a fever, your body will experience an increase in temperature to more than 38 degrees Celsius. As is often the case, fever usually occurs when the immune system fights against diseases, one of which is lymphoma.

3. Chills

In addition to fever, secondary symptoms of lymphoma are chills. Patients with lymphoma have the potential to experience chills and chills, regardless of the weather and ambient temperature.

4. Easy Fatigue

Feeling tired quickly with frequent frequency is also one of the possible follow-up symptoms of lymphoma. Symptoms of this one usually can still arise without the need to be caused by strenuous activity.

5. Drastic Weight Loss

If after the appearance of a lump accompanied by drastic weight loss, it could be a secondary symptom of lymphoma. This weight loss usually has no apparent cause and is reduced drastically. 

6. Itching Appears

Another symptom is the feeling of itching on the body. The itching that appears is also spread and occurs consistently, usually also occurs without a clear cause, and is not an allergy.

Occurrence Risk FactorsLymph node

Well, cancer of the lymph nodes is caused by cancer cells called lymphoma and consists of two types: lymphoma Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The difference between the two types lies in the type of lymph node cells or lymphocytes which eventually develop rapidly into malignant cells.

Both types of lymphoma also have different causes and, more specifically, here. The following is a complete explanation of what factors can increase the risk of exposure to lymph node cancer.

1. Hodgkin

's lymphoma Hodgkin's lymphoma will be more at risk of exposing people who are male, with an age range of 20-40 years or over 55 years. In addition, people whose biological family has a history of Hodgkin's lymphoma are also at high risk, you know. 

People with a history of infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EPV) or who have weakened immunity also have a higher risk of exposure.

2. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Meanwhile, factors that can increase the risk of exposure to Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma include someone who is over 60 years old, with a weak immune system. In addition, people who are overweight or obese also have high-risk factors for exposure. 

Another factor is people with a history of exposure to nuclear radiation and activities with toxic chemicals, and a history of diseases such as leukemia, Epstein Barr virus (EPV) infection, hepatitis C, bacteria pylori.

That's an explanation of lymph node cancer along with its symptoms and causes. With the BNI Life Plan Multi-Protection, you get protection with a sum assured up to 200 times the basic premium, cover for 117 critical illnesses as well as hospitalization and surgery for couples and families. Come on, protect yourself and your family with BNI Life Plan Multi-Protection now!