Stay Healthy
Traditional Toothache Remedies: Natural Alternatives to Relieve Pain
05 May 2023
Traditional Toothache Remedies: Natural Alternatives to Relieve Pain
05 May 2023

Toothache is generally characterized by the emergence of pain inside or around the tooth. Toothache is caused by several factors such as tooth infection, decay, injury, or tooth loss. Most people seek immediate medical attention from a dentist to receive prompt initial treatment for toothache. However, several natural ingredients are easily available at home, including:

  1. Saltwater
    Rinsing with saltwater is one of the easiest natural remedies that can minimize toothache. This is because saltwater contains natural disinfectants and can also loosen food debris stuck in the teeth.

  2. Cold Water
    In addition to rinsing with saltwater, you can try compressing the affected area with cold water. By applying a cold compress, the blood vessels in the gum or tooth area will constrict, reducing the toothache.

  3. Garlic
    Garlic contains antibacterial compounds that can kill harmful bacteria causing dental plaque and toothache. One way to alleviate toothache using garlic is by applying crushed garlic to the affected area of the tooth.
