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Get to Know More About The Meaning and Traditions of Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia
03 Apr 2024
Get to Know More About The Meaning and Traditions of Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia
03 Apr 2024

For communities where the majority adhere to the Islamic religion, Eid al-Fitr is said to be a day full of special features. Muslim communities commemorate this day with many traditions which are still maintained every year. So, what kind of meaning and traditions are behind this holy day?

The Special Meaning of Eid

Eid does not exclusively have strong ties with Indonesian Muslims, but also all people spread across all countries. Today itself is the time when the month-long fast has ended and people with the Islamic religion also commemorate this time with great joy.

This moment is always identified with boundless happiness and joy, but there are also those who interpret this day with feelings of emotion and sadness. Because, this holy day is only celebrated once a year and it is possible that some people will feel sad because they have to part with the month of Ramadan.

Apart from having religious value, the essence of this holiday also means that Muslims' devotion to Allah will become closer and higher. Muslim communities have more time to apologize to each other for any mistakes, and this is an opportunity to share happiness with each other.

Traditions of Welcoming Eid

Not only does it hold deep meaning and is full of philosophical value, but Muslims living in Indonesia also have different traditions in welcoming this day. The following is an example of a tradition that is carried out by almost all Muslims in Indonesia to welcome Eid:

  1. Takbir
    First, there is the takbiran tradition which is always said before the holiday, more precisely in the evening. Many people will come to the mosque to sing praises using loud speakers so that they can be heard in various directions while responding to each other.

    Apart from doing takbiran at the mosque, a tradition carried out by Indonesian people is doing takbiran around. As the name suggests, this takbiran is done while walking around the area which is generally done while renting a pick-up car or you can also walk around the neighborhood.

  2. Homecoming
    It can be said that the tradition most synonymous with Indonesian Muslims is the homecoming tradition. Many people decide to migrate far from their homes and hometowns, so that Eid, which is designated as a holiday, is always used as an opportunity to return home.

    No wonder, this tradition is the most awaited period for workers or students who are migrating so that they can return home to meet their loved ones. Homecoming is more often done when the month of Ramadan is almost over so the roads and transportation will always be busy.

  3. Stay in touch
    The third tradition carried out by Islamic communities in Indonesia is friendship activities or what is more often known as halal bi halal. When people all become one with the people closest to them, then this is the best period to be able to reconnect.

    Not only does it include family, but halal bi halal is also carried out to neighbors and friends with whom we have always interacted. This tradition is used as a perfect opportunity to forgive and correct one's mistakes while asking about each other's news.

  4. THR
    For workers who have been spending their time focusing on work and performing at their best in their duties, the company will provide adequate benefits. The THR is often used by all residents who are migrating to buy necessities for Eid.

    In fact, apart from traditional workers, THR will also be given to small children and teenagers who are still not working. Families who are considered more senior and have worked will give money wrapped in envelopes to their younger family members, so it is not surprising that this THR is most liked by young children.

    Make sure you use your THR money wisely, one of which is choosing Best Education Insurance for your future.

  5. Firework
    When celebrating any day that is identified with happiness, fireworks cannot be absent from this celebration. Muslim communities in Indonesia will explore roadsides to find and buy small firecrackers and fireworks.

    Usually, fireworks will be lit at night while accompanying the takbiran celebration until the next day and are more often played by small children. Even though this activity is very exciting and fun, it would be wiser to set off firecrackers in a large field, not in a residential area, because the sound is too loud and can cause noise and endanger yourself.

  6. New Outfits
    Lastly, a tradition found in the process of celebrating Eid in Indonesia is buying new clothes to wear during the holiday. Even though this habit is a very popular tradition, in Islamic law buying new clothes to commemorate Eid is sunnah so people do not need to force themselves.


It can be concluded that Eid al-Fitr is interpreted as a special day, such as a moment to apologize and to connect with other people. There are various interesting traditions that make Islamic communities in Indonesia welcome this day, such as:

  1. Fireworks and firecrackers
  2. THR
  3. New clothes
  4. Gathering to ask for forgiveness
  5. Takbiran and going home

In order to welcome Eid in such a festive way, all the traditions above never escape the public's attention. This time is the perfect time to always change into a better individual.