Planning Your Future
Manage Your THR Money with These 8 Effective Tips!
01 Apr 2024
Manage Your THR Money with These 8 Effective Tips!
01 Apr 2024

Eid al-Fitr or Idul Fitri is just around the corner, and the THR money is getting closer. Usually THR money will be given to workers. Be it, working in government or working in the private sector.

Getting THR money is really fun. The money can be used for Eid purposes. However, it is best to manage this money well so that it can be more useful.

Below are several tips or ways to manage THR money well and effectively. Just pay attention to the following tips!

Tips for Managing THR Money

Here we will discuss how to manage THR money to make it more useful. Here are some tips:

  1. Determine your goals and mindset
    The first tip is to determine your goals and mindset. It's best to set a definite goal for what the THR money is for. Of course, the main purpose of the money will be used for Eid purposes.

    However, also set other goals so that the money doesn't run out quickly. Apart from that, change the mindset that this money must be used for all Eid needs. Use the mindset that this money can be useful in the longer term.

  2. Make an expenditure budget
    Tips for managing THR money well is to create an expenditure budget. Make sure to budget only the main expenses. So, only prioritize main expenses and Eid.

    In fact, if necessary, look back at expenses in the previous year. Was the THR money used in accordance with priorities in the previous year or not? Then, make budget improvements this year.

  3. Set aside some THR money
    The next tip is to set aside some of the THR money. Don't use all of your THR money at one time. It will definitely run out quickly and cannot be used in the long term.

    It's best to use some of it for Eid purposes. Then, some of it is set aside for other important needs. So, this money can also be useful in the future, one way is by using a plan BNI Life Definite Protection Savings.

  4. Resist the urge to spend too much
    If you have extra money, everyone will want to use it to shop for various needs. It is very important to shop for the necessities needed for Eid.

    However, you should not go too far in fulfilling existing desires. It's best to only buy what you really need. Don't be too tempted by the various advertisements that appear.

  5. Use THR money to pay off debt
    To make the THR money more useful, use the money to pay off debt. If you have debt, then immediately pay off the debt using THR money.

    So, in the future you will no longer have debt. Make a list of debts that must be paid off. So, when Eid arrives, you won't have any debts to other people.

  6. Use it for charity
    The next tip is to use THR money to give charity. Of course it will be more useful than buying things that are not important for Eid.

    Forms of alms can be done in various ways. For example, paying zakat according to the provisions and on time too. Apart from that, you can also give alms outside of zakat to people who need it more.

  7. Create an emergency fund
    You can also create an emergency fund using the THR money. Set aside some money for an emergency fund, you can pretend this money never existed before.

    So, the money cannot be taken if there is no urgent need. Use these funds or emergency money if it is important and of course you don't have any other money.

  8. Use THR money for investment
    The final tip is to use THR for investment. This will have a good impact in the future. Of course, make this investment in a place that can be trusted.

    By investing, THR money will remain safe. Can also be used for the next Eid. Investments can be made in any form, but make sure the investment is promising.

Benefits of Managing THR Money Wisely

There are several benefits from managing THR money well. Here are some of the benefits:

  1. Financial improvement
    If THR money is managed well, it can be used to improve bad finances. Because, with the THR, the needs ahead of Eid will definitely be met.

    Can also be used to pay off unpaid debts. So, in the future there will be no more debt. This can make finances return to normal as usual.

  2. Can be used for the long term
    The next benefit is that this money can be useful for the longer term. Because previously it was managed well so that the money could be useful for a long time.

    If it is not managed well, the money will run out quickly. This management can be done by using investment. However, it can also be done in other ways that can be profitable.


You will always get THR money every year. However, don't let the money go to waste. Make sure you manage the money well and make it more useful.

Above we have also explained several tips for managing THR money. Such as setting aside some money, making investments, and making a spending budget. There are also benefits from managing THR money, such as being able to improve your finances.

So, those are some tips for managing THR money ahead of this Eid. Make sure to manage your THR finances wisely. So, the money can be more useful in a long time.