Planning Your Future
7 Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Homecoming During Eid, Let's Find Out!
01 Apr 2024
7 Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Homecoming During Eid, Let's Find Out!
01 Apr 2024

So that your trip goes smoothly, knowing tips for going home safely and comfortably is very important for you. Even though it seems trivial, the homecoming process should not be done haphazardly and must be done with thorough preparation.

Moreover, if you are going to travel for hours, extra preparation is needed first. Because going home not only takes up time, but also energy and expenses, you know.

It's not surprising that most people have to make preparations several days before the trip begins. If you want this homecoming activity to take place safely and comfortably, we have a number of tips for you.

7 Tips for a Safe and Comfortable Eid Homecoming

Returning home or known as going home seems to have become a tradition for people in Indonesia, especially during Eid. Because this holiday lasts for several days, many people decide to return to their hometowns to build relationships with relatives.

Even though it looks quite simple, traveling home should be done with thorough preparation. Don't let yourself prepare first but immediately decide to start your journey.

There are many things that must be prepared properly so that the process of returning home can be smooth and reach your destination. So that you don't make the wrong move, here are a number of tips you need to know in preparation for going home for Eid.

  1. Check the condition of the vehicle first
    If you want to make this trip using your own car, you should check its condition first. There are several important components that must be checked, especially the engine.

    If you are confused about checking, then ask a professional technician for help to handle it. Also pay attention to changing the oil, providing a spare tire and a number of equipment such as a pump, wrench and jack.

    All of this must be considered carefully because it can help minimize if problems occur on the trip. But if you use a motorbike, don't forget to prepare a raincoat and pay attention to the condition of the engine.

  2. Check the condition of the house and provide extra security
    After checking the condition of the vehicle, the next step is to check the condition of the house too. That's why you have to ensure the safety of your house when you leave it for a long time.

    You can check the electrical wiring in your house, gas regulator, water flow and make sure the windows and doors are locked properly. If necessary, notify the security forces in your area if you will be going home for some time.

    To increase security at home, there is no harm in installing CCTV cameras at a number of points. Even though you are far away, you can see the condition of your house through the CCTV service.

  3. Preparing your health is also important
    Please note that the process of going home sometimes takes a long time, especially over long distances. This is where it is also important to prepare the body so that it is always in fit or prime condition.

    To keep your body healthy, there are several things you can do. For example, start exercising regularly such as jogging or yoga and pay attention to your diet and consume health supplements.

  4. Bring medicine for the trip
    Even though you have maintained your body's health before the trip, no one will ever know what conditions will be during the trip. That's why it's important to bring emergency medication for the trip.

    This medicine can contain medicine for emergency conditions, various types of vitamins and even very useful first aid kits. If there are members with certain illnesses, don't forget to prepare special medicine for them.

  5. Bring Sufficient Provisions
    While traveling, maybe you will also feel thirsty and hungry, right? That's why it's important to bring enough supplies in the form of food or drink.

    You should prepare extra food and drinks, especially if you are also bringing small children. Where you may have to prepare milk or special food for your little one.

  6. Bring Powerbank and Internet Quota
    So that your trip remains comfortable, you should also prepare a power bank and sufficient internet quota. By using a power bank, it can be used as a backup power source if you want to recharge your gadget.

    Apart from that, don't forget to provide adequate internet quota so you don't miss out on the latest information while you're traveling. By having sufficient quota, you can also find out about hotels or rest areas, travel routes or for additional needs

  7. Avoid Carrying Too Much Jewelry and Cash
    Whether using private or public transportation, you should also avoid carrying too much jewelry. Because jewelry is flashy enough, it can attract the attention of bad people and criminals.

    Apart from avoiding carrying too much jewelry, don't also carry too much cash. Because carrying too much cash will make you more wasteful and have difficulty controlling your expenses.

    Don't forget to also prepare a number of additional documents that are important to support your trip, such as identity cards, ATMs, STNK and others that must be in your wallet. Also note down a number of important numbers such as ambulance and police numbers.

The homecoming activity is indeed the most awaited moment for most people in Indonesia during Eid. From the tips above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Homecoming is a moment that will take time and energy, which is why it must be prepared appropriately
  2. You are also required to check the condition of your vehicle and the security of your home before leaving
  3. Bringing supplies and medicine for emergencies is highly recommended for safety and comfort.

It seems trivial, but when you return to your hometown you should be prepared optimallyAndso that it can run smoothly. Make sure before starting the tripYou have Travel Insurance from BNI Life Digi Micro Protection so thatgoing home safely and comfortably.