Stay Healthy
Come on, take a peek at Tips for Building a Healthy and Fit Family!
06 Oct 2021
Come on, take a peek at Tips for Building a Healthy and Fit Family!
06 Oct 2021

After the implementation of PPKM (Enforcement of Community Activity Restrictions) until mid-September 2021 yesterday, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia have decreased. In addition to continuing to apply health protocols, the public is also asked to adopt a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risk due to exposure to COVID-19 even though the case has been sloping. Come on, check out 5 tips to keep your family healthy and fit during a pandemic!

Building a healthy family, can starts with small things, too! For example, ideal rest periods and healthy food intake are simple steps to start a healthy life from an early age. That way, you can continue to capture beautiful memories with your family.

5 Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy

Here are 5 tips to keep you and your beloved family healthy:

1. Don't Miss Breakfast Time The

hectic activity in the morning makes some people skip breakfast. Reporting to building, WebMD, if someone skips breakfast, it is feared that they will feel very hungry and end up eating a large lunch, which is a behavior that increases the risk of diabetes.

When you wake up and are ready to start the day, the sugar levels in your body are actually at a low level, you know. Well, if you don't take the time to have breakfast even in small portions, then the body doesn't have the energy to do many things.

Therefore, create breakfast time with the family and determine the breakfast menu that suits the tastes of family members. Breakfast menu choices include bread and jam, milk and cereal, fruit juice, or rice with side dishes and vegetables too!


2. Limit Junk Food and Sweet Foods

Besides being practical, junk food is a food that is often chosen when someone is bored with home food. But it is important to know that junk food has a higher salt content. In addition, junk food generally uses Food Additives (BTP) such as preservatives, sweeteners, and flavorings.

Besides having to limit the intake of junk food, your family must also limit the intake of foods and drinks that contain excessive sweeteners. Of course, this is not easy when you have small children. However, you can replace it with alternative foods such as dark chocolate, use honey or dates as a natural sweetener, or make ice cream from real fruit pieces and fresh milk. 

By reducing your intake of junk food and sweeteners, you and your family can reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cholesterol in the future.

3. Make Cold Smoothies Full of Nutrients

Does your little one have a hard time eating vegetables and fruit? Or are you bored with the same way of eating fruit?

Do not worry! You can work around this by making smoothies cold full of nutrients. smoothies are Different from juice because smoothies have a more viscous and dense texture. Some of the menu smoothies that you can try include:

  • Dragon fruit + banana + pineapple + milk/yogurt

  • Banana + papaya + dates + coconut water + spinach/kale

  • Pear + pineapple + banana + strawberry + almond milk

There are some tips for making smoothies fresh. First, you can boil the vegetable ingredients, this is done to neutralize the strong smell of the vegetables. Second, you can freeze the fruit to be used in the freezer to create a texture smoothie dense.

4. Sleep enough

Getting rest can help the body to perform an ideal metabolism. In general, adults have an ideal sleep time of at least 7-8 hours per day. In contrast to adults, infants under 1 year of age are advised to sleep 12-15 hours per day, 1-2 years 11-14 hours a day, toddlers 3-5 years as much as 10-13 hours a day, and for children who are already in school It is recommended to sleep 9-12 hours a day.

To have a healthy body and stay in shape, agree on bedtime rules with your family so that you have more regular rest times and avoid staying up too often.

5. Regular Exercise Together

Many choices of sports that you can do with your families, such as cycling, swimming, yoga, or even morning walks with pets! In addition to keeping the body healthy, regular exercise with the family can improve the bonding between parents and children. 

In addition to doing the 5 tips above to build a healthy and fit family, let's start protecting your family with the BNI Life Plan Multi-Protection! With a minimum basic premium of Rp. 300,000, you can enjoy the benefit of the sum assured up to 200 times the basic premium and protection against 117 critical illnesses, you already have protection to meet the needs of individuals and families in the future.

What are you waiting for? Immediately protect yourself and your beloved family with BNI Life Plan Multi-Protection!