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Virtual Job Interview Tips
18 Jun 2021
Virtual Job Interview Tips
18 Jun 2021

The job interview may be the phase that every job applicant fears the most. This seems natural because the interview session has a big influence on whether the company where we apply will accept us as its new employee or not. Especially during the pandemic, even though it is done virtually, job interviews are still something that every job applicant fears.

With that in mind, we want a job interview to run smoothly and without any problems. Several preparations can be done to ensure a virtual job interview session goes smoothly.

  1. Build a professional setting

When conducting a virtual job interview, make sure the room used for the interview is neat, at least in the background. If interviewing at home, look for a neutral part of the house to serve as a backdrop. Avoid doing interviews in crowded places because it will be noisy and noisy during the interview.

  1. Check lighting

Lighting is a trivial thing but actually if we can show our faces then the interaction will be more intimate because the interviewer can see and recognize our faces. In addition, appearance is also an assessment so that the neatness that has been prepared in advance is not in vain and is seen by the interviewer. If our room is dark and does not have good sunlight then we can use additional lighting to get good lighting.

  1. Make sure the internet connection is stable

The internet is the key to smooth virtual interview sessions. We have to make sure the place where we do the interview has a stable internet network, because otherwise it might have a big impact and we fail to get the job applied for. Network disruption will also make us nervous because our focus is divided when trying to improve the internet network.

  1. Wear proper clothes

Like face-to-face job interviews, during virtual interviews we must also pay attention to the clothes we wear. Make sure we wear decent and neat clothes following the rules imposed by the agency where we apply for jobs.

  1. Do a simulation

Before carrying out a virtual interview, it's a good idea to do a simulation first. The goal is to make sure all the technical things that we prepare are appropriate and that we know every feature on the platform used for interviews. In addition, the last thing to be prepared is to make sure when talking we are looking at the camera instead of looking at ourselves on the screen.
