Stay Healthy
How to Improve Children's Socialization Ability
27 Jul 2022
How to Improve Children's Socialization Ability
27 Jul 2022

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused children to carry out school activities online at home. This makes children rarely do face-to-face activities and socialization which can cause children to experience setbacks in socializing with their friends.

According to Child and Family Psychologist, Mrs. Anna Surti Ariani said “The level of understanding of children is still very concrete to see and hold. Due to the pandemic, children experience limitations in carrying out their socialization.” Here's how to improve children's socialization skills during the Covid-19 pandemic:

1.  Take Advantage of Age-Appropriate Technology

The Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI) provides recommendations for using gadgets according to their age. For children aged 2-6 years, the use of gadgets can be limited to 1 hour per day and accompanied by parents. With proper use of technology, children can have children's socialization skills and skills. Involving Children in Financial Discussions.

2.  Role Play

Role play can be practiced by children with siblings or with their parents. By doing role player, children will be trained to be more expressive.

3.  Keep Home Conditions Comfortable and Safe for Children

By arranging special activities, it can stimulate children to interact with other people, such as asking children to tell stories, so they can express their feelings well. Children will imitate directly how the atmosphere of family members is created.

4.  Playdates with Peers

Lack of socialization during the pandemic makes children more shy and insecure. Parents can encourage children's courage by socializing with peers who are quite close to their children. Face-to-face interaction is very important to do at an early age, especially at the age of under seven years. But still in accordance with health protocols, yes!

5.  Loosening the Rules during the Holidays

Involve children in trying new things such as camping in the yard, or redecorating a room. This activity can make children not bored and hone their creativity. Loosening the rules during the holidays by freeing children to express themselves as they want and giving this leeway only during school holidays.

