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10 Easy Ways to Make Friends at a New Workplace.
15 Oct 2020
10 Easy Ways to Make Friends at a New Workplace.
15 Oct 2020

Starting a job in a new environment is never easy. You have to adapt to many new things, including starting to make friends with coworkers at a new workplace.

Making friends with other coworkers is very important for you to do. Not only to be able to work well together, as a "new kid" you can also find out what things you should know about the company.

Not everyone can or at least know how to make friends in a new workplace easily, especially if the person is a bit introverted. If you are one of them, follow these steps:

1. Introduce Yourself Well

The first thing is to make sure you introduce yourself to everyone you meet, especially co-workers who will be on your team.

Look for opportunities to chat briefly with colleagues, such as when meeting in the toilet, pantry or elevator and office lobby.

Ask light things like how the work atmosphere is, their role / division in the company, recommendations for delicious canteen food and so on.

2. Memorize Name of Coworker

Memorizing the names of other employees you just met will add value to yourself. Other employees will feel valued and closer to you.

3. Lunch Outside the Office

Joining lunch together outside of the office is an easy way to meet and get to know your coworkers with each other. On the other hand, lunch outside the office is also a way to really take a break from work.

4. Coffee Together

For this one you need a little courage. Offer your co-workers to have coffee together after office hours (after office).

Besides being able to familiarize themselves and get to know each other, there is a chance that they will also invite you to hangout together at another time.

5. Dinner Together

Ask your teammates if they are willing to have dinner together after work, for example at a restaurant near a certain office or mall. A relaxed atmosphere will encourage an open conversation so that you and their relationship will be better connected.

6. Organize Your Workplace

Decorations such as photos or small displays that are relevant to your nature and interests can help others understand you better. It can also generate small talk when they pass by your table and find the decor attractive.

7. Join certain groups in the company

For example, you can register to join a futsal group or a film lover at the office. Try joining a group that has activities that match your interests.

8. Bring Food

Food can always be a factor that brings people closer together. Your co-workers will appreciate it if you are polite, including when offering food. This opportunity can pave the way for you to interact more with others.

9. Create Chat Groups

If you already know about the same interests as other colleagues, be brave to create a chat group, such as the WA (whatsapp) group so that everyone can chat with each other.

It doesn't have to be about work, it can be about sports, movies, fashion to recipes.

10. Work Outside the Desk or Cubicle

If company regulations allow you to work on a mobile basis (not necessarily at the office desk or even at the office), try working in other areas such as the lobby sofa so you can meet other employees besides your teammates.

Don't be afraid to open up, even though you don't have to share everything about yourself.

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